Sunday, July 30, 2006

I will always be the same...

Looking back at my younger years, and what my mom and aunt have been telling me about when I was little, I realized I haven't changed much.

1. I hate change. When I was potty training, I didn't ever want to let go of my diaper. Or well, my "diappy". My mom used to hide any extra diapers in the trunk of her car, so that I couldn't grab them and put one on, but I eventually found out where she put them, so everytime she said "We don't have any" I'd be like, "there in the car!!!!" haha.

2. I'm a good sharer. When I was little, I used to play with a toy, and Alli would obviously get intrested in the toy, and would want it. So I just gave it to her and moved on to the next toy. She'd see how much fun I was having with that toy, and then want it, and I would give it to her. It was a pretty endless cycle.

3. I cry at the Lion King. Aunt Doreen told me about the time I watched that movie with her. The first time I watched it with her (it was her first time, but not mine). It was at the part where Mufasa was about to die, and I covered my face with my hands and started crying. I remember myself one time I was watching the movie when I was really little, and it got to that part and I ran out of the room. I did that often, my mom says.

There are more stories, but I've got things to do...

Sunday, July 16, 2006


I was talking to Jay tonight, and it brought back so many memories from Myrtle (my elementary school).

I was friends with a girl named Leah. She wasn't my best friend at the time, but we were friends, nonetheless. She was in gifted, like me, she was the fastest runner in my class, i was fourth, she was the best tetherball player, i was third. She was good at everything, and I was jealous of her. I'm not anymore, but it's funny to look back and see how I was then.

We both wore our hair up, both of our hair pretty short. Neither of us ever wore it down, ever. Everyone always begged us to put it down, so one day, Leah and I both wore our hair down for a day. It was pretty cool. Everyone commented on it. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone. We laughed about it. Then put our hair back up, and went on with life.

Friday, July 07, 2006

I really am the evil twin.

1. When Allison and I were really little- like 9 months or so- my mom tried to put us to sleep at Kelly's house (aka Kayla's house, but Kayla wasn't born yet). She put us in another room to let us sleep, but we wouldn't stop crying. She refused to go check in on us, because she thought we were just trying to get her in there to take us out. But after a long time of the crying, she came in, and Allison had bite marks from head to toe- obviously from me. She was crying from the pain, and I was crying because she was crying. (this story is told by my mom to me all the time, because i definitely don't remember)

2. When Alli and I were like 9 or so, we were at our old house, and even though we had four beds, one day we both went to sleep or took a nap or something in the same bed. I faced one way, Alli faced another. She started tickling my feet (and who wouldn't, especially if someone as ticklish as me had their feet right next to you?) and I started kicking my feet around, and nailed her right in the nose. It was her first nose bleed, that her and mommy could remember, and she had no idea how to handle it (unlike me, who has had probably a nose bleed or two or five a month since I was born...until about a year ago) and she was freaking out. (this story I remember, because I felt really really bad)

3. I don't even know how old we were, but we were at our dad's, and jumping on his water bed. Who wouldn't? Water beds were made for jumping on. Well, we started play fighting while jumping, and I pushed her off the bed. It happens, right? Well, I pushed her off the bed into a mirror that cut through her head. Yeah. Ouch. She still has a bald spot on her head from the cut, and she points it out to me a lot. (i remembe this one as well.)

So, you see, I am the evil sister. Evil.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I remember sometime around christmas, between ages 4-6, my grandparents got me the Hanson CD. We were at a party type thing, and I was sitting on my Pap-pap's lap, and I was reading him the lyrics of the Hanson CD. He started calling everybody over, asking me to reread the songs for the other people, and I had no idea why, but I just kept reading. Then after he was done having me read the lyrics to all these people, I asked him why he did that, and was just amazed that I could read.

Now, most people can already read at these ages, at least now adays, but I guess he didn't know that, and he made me feel really special that I could read.