Friday, June 22, 2007

The imagination of an Andrean child.

I remember when I was really little, and most nights for at least three years, I would always dream of not really flying, but floating. Not having to touch the ground as I walked. I used to think up these cool gadgets that would hold all of my stuff and then expand to get bigger whenever I needed them. And then I stored them all in a wheelchair sort of thing that rolled around with me. it was really neat. I probably sound like a freak, which well, is probably true, but it was just like, this is what I can do to make my life comfortably complete. I can have a laptop that goes into a small box and comes out big whenever I need it. I can store everything I could possibly imagine into a small compartment. It is really hard to explain becuase number one i don't remember everything and number two, it's always hard to explain dreams and the imagination. But looking back now, I really really miss being a kid and thinking up those things. Like, I really really miss it.