Getting Gambino
It was three days before Christmas, and Jonny was out of town, as usual. We were having this big party at our house, opening presents from relatives that we never see, pretending that we love whatever they get us. Then we had food, and all that. Jonny had said he'd be back for the party, and Mommy even started to look a little worried. Well, near the end he came, and with a box. You can probably guess what was in that box. He had already named the small maltese puppy Gambino, after some Sopranos thing. I swear that was the happiest moment of my life. Or close enough. I took Gambino with me everywhere- he fit into this one coat pocket i had that like zipped open in the middle on top of the pocket or something (i don't know how to explain it). Alli got really jealous of how much time I spent with the new puppy. Out of my family Gambino loved me the most, and it made everyone else a little upset. Especially Finly, when we finally got him. I think I showed more love and affection (and maybe even had more) to Gambino than I do to my that boy. Not saying I don't love Jay, but boy did I (and still do I) love Gambino. I miss him more than anything in the whole wide world. I wonder if he still knows who I am...
Of course he still knows who you are! If you showed that much care for him, he's never going to forget you!
Come on! Update today! It's NBRD!
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