Sunday, May 14, 2006

Snake...or stick...same thing

We were down in Florida, when I was about 7 and 1/2. The park/thing we were going to go to that day didn't open until like, the afternoon or something, and so instead of driving all the way back to Kristy's house, we saw a small pathway by the place we wanted to be at. It was this small passageway thing, made of wooden planks that just rested on the ground of this forest there. We walked through the forest on these wooden things, and pointed out some animals we came across. Alli found a snakeskin- a long one- and she kept it. (We actually kept it until we moved, in 6th grade). But anyways, we kept walking, I was in the lead. I saw this pretty long stick in the middle of the pathway, and talk a big step over it, and then continue walking. Allison starts screaming. I'm assuming you can guess the rest. The "stick" was a snake, and a poisonous one at that. My mom tried to calm Alli down, not very successfully, while trying to move the snake out of the way. It turns out the snake just leaves on its own, and we finished our little nature walk.

Now, the parts of the story my mom confirms are when we found the snake skin, when I thought the snake was a stick, when Alli was screaming her head off, and how she tried to move it. She claims we actually went to a place for a nature walk, not that it was a spontanious backup plan. And she also says that we weren't on some small, wooden pathway, but some dirt opening type trail path thing. She's probably right, since she's older, but I could've sworn on my life that my version was/is right.


At May 14, 2006 8:10 PM, Blogger Miles C. said...

Ya know, you probably would get more comments if you like told someone about this or something

At May 17, 2006 11:10 AM, Blogger Tim Parenti said...

Like I said, sometimes the little details get confused with ones from other memories, and then you remember the false details more vividly than the original...


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